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PeopleSoft Query

PS Query is a reporting utility provide by PeopleSoft to build queries and retrieve data from the database. It provides an intuitive graphical user interface that enables even non technical… Read more »

Peoplesoft Demo Database

We always keep a vanilla version of PeopleSoft for reference purposes. Such a vanilla version is usually called as a demo instance. The database linked to the demo instance is… Read more »

PeopleSoft Component Variables

PeopleSoft Component Variables

A variable declared as a Component variable remains defined and holds the value as long as any page in the component in which the variable is declared remains active. This post explains some important considerations to be observed while using component variables.

Grid Properties

PeopleSoft Grid

Grids in PeopleSoft allow us to display tabular form of data on a page. Read on to find a complete reference on grids in PeopleSoft.

PeopleSoft Application Messaging

PeopleSoft Application Messaging is an integration technology used to integrate PeopleSoft applications with each other and third party systems. An App messaging system consists of the following PeopleSoft objects: Message… Read more »

Peoplesoft Pure Internet Architecture (PIA)

PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture (PIA)

PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture or PIA is PeopleSoft’s 4 Tier mode. The client here is the web browser which connects to the web server. The webserver connects to the Application… Read more »

PeopleSoft 3 Tier Flow

PeopleSoft 3 Tier Mode

In a PeopleSoft 3 Tier Mode, the client application connects to the Application Server which is already connected to the Database server. So the Connect ID and Password is not… Read more »

PeopleTools 2 Tier Logon

PeopleSoft 2 Tier Mode

In 2 Tier Mode, the Application Designer connects directly to the Database. PeopleSoft developers use a 2 tier connection via the App designer to develop PeopleSoft applications. This setup requires… Read more »

PeopleSoft Compare Reports

PeopleSoft Compare Reports

PeopleSoft Compare Reports provide a means to compare PeopleSoft objects present in one database against a different database or a file. This can be done at a Project level or at database level.

PeopleSoft Subrecords

PeopleSoft Subrecord

PeopleSoft Subrecords are collection fields that are grouped together into one entity so that they can be used as building blocks for multiple records. Subrecords doesn’t have an existence in… Read more »